Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dreams etc...

I had a very odd dream last night. It was my wedding day, and there I was standing in the registry office (exactly as I did). Except this time I turned round and said "Sorry guys, this isn't going to work", grabbed my dad's car keys and drove back up to Wolverhampton. Then I walked into work and asked Richie and Phil to cut and bleach my hair. They said they would, but I had to talk Thomas down from on top of one of the 3 for 2 tables first. So I talked Tom down and then they made me look like Marilyn Monroe - funky white dress and all.

I'm sure there's all sorts of things that can be read into that one! I did nearly buy some hair dye today, but then I decided that it would be safer to have it done properly. So tomorrow I'm going to ring the hairdressing college and find out a) how much it would cost, and b) if they'll fix it if one of the students gets it horribly wrong.

I'm so looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I don't have a lot planned, just to catch up on all the tv I've taped (Doctor Who, Mayo and New Tricks) because I've been doing other things when it's been on. I also need to finish watching Sin City. I've got a food shop being delivered between 4 and 5, but other than that I'm not tied to times. I really should try and go to bed early as I do need the sleep, but since I can sleep-in in the morning I shall go to bed when I'm really sleepy as then I'll drop straight off rather than lying there for ages.

I even went and updated my profile on Friends Reunited today, I'd been putting it off because I couldn't work out what to put without it sounding like a rant but I think I got it ok in the end.

Right, Warcraft is calling....Daggers? Check. Crossbow? Check. Deadly Poisons? Check.


MarkFarley said...

Supertier... check

3for2 stickers... check

I can't believed you have resigned to going blonde so much that you have already changed your bloody avatar!!!

Kate said...

You can tell you do FOS! I spend Fridays running about with a price change list cos Richie has so many other things to do!

But I was blonde for years and years, it's only been three years since I dyed my hair red, and I'm still not used to it.

Who knows I may go back to having red hair after being blonde for a while, but I'd like to be blonde again - it's more me.

MarkFarley said...

LOL yeah but there's no supertier FOS thats in the sections... my days of supertier and genre bestsellers are long behind me!

I'll just have to sulk if you are dying it then....

Kate said...

Sulk? You'll like it blonde.

I shall find some blonde pictures and post them on here. I may even photograph my passport so you can see me as blonde as I was the day before I met the Yeti. (Since that's when the picture was taken).

As for supertier, the person doing FOS at our store is also supposed to be responsible for checking everything is on the shelf as well as the tables - and checking supertier goes with that.

MarkFarley said...

Nope. That's a front of store checklist.

The supertier is a separate list sent on a different day, for each section. xx

Kate said...

*sticks tongue out* Well I don't know if ours arrive on different days, but they get done together....

Anonymous said...

Okay let me get one thing straight. Kate if you want to go blonde then do it. Why do you care what someone in London thinks? If he decides he doesn't like it, so what? The main thing is that you do. Tell him to bollocks he's not gonna pay for it is he?