I have watched films and football and chatted on MSN lots and played some WoW and had very nice Waitrose pie and chocolate.
The kittens have been fuzzy, the sunshine has been bouncing rainbows round my house and I managed to have the living room window open for a whole 30 minutes before Foley tried to escape.
I have followed every link I could on various peoples blogs and websites too - in an attempt to learn new things, and I did.
My kitchen is still lovely and clean too!

Can you tell I like having broadband so I can play around with extra photos!
Go Mum...
the kitchen rocks!!
oi! i did the cooker!!!!!!
Em did indeed do the cooker WELL DONE EM!
We can't swop kitchens O.E. but I can send my mother round to you, you just have to be prepared for the nagging.....
The cats like the clean kitchen, they want to play in the sink lots more than when it had washing up in it.
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