Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Young people today...

The problem with young people today is that they just can't stop posing!

I mean you take a picture of them without them knowing and they just look bored...

But as soon as they notice the camera it's all staring off into the distance and hair flicking...

I, on the other hand, am no good at posing even when I know people are taking photos!

More Horoscopes

This is my Yahoo Horoscope for today (yesterdays came from AstroCenter).

Capricorn Quickie: You're ready for more responsibility. With things in your hands, life is worry-free.

Capricorn Daily Overview: It's the old family and career tug-of-war, and you're stuck in the middle, being yanked wildly back and forth. How about letting go of the rope for just a moment or two so you can set your own priorities?

Capricorn Daily extended (by
Home isn't just a physical place or location. It's a state of mind -- and one that you can take with you. Remember that when worries about your place in the world or your family spring into your mind. Certain things about them -- that is, the most important things -- remain with you no matter what may change outwardly. So don't panic even if it seems like everything is changing. The most important stuff stays the same.

Aquarius Daily extended (by (Your Rising Sign)
Ever watched those cartoons where one character gets a brilliant idea and a huge light bulb goes off over her head? Well, get ready to be asked, 'What's up doc?' because cartoon light bulbs aplenty are going to be glowing over your ever ready noggin. All this inspiration might even lead to a long-lasting and profound discovery -- for both you and the people you care about.


Well I let go of the rope and phoned in sick again. I know it's not really making a decision, and there isn't one to make really as I am going back to work. But my whole world has changed again and I guess I just need some down-time to deal with it.

As for the home thing, I was so so horribly homesick on Sunday. I would love to be able to move back to Essex, to be able to sit in pubs and understand what people are talking about, to know the places and the people again. Just sitting in a pub on Brentwood High Street and hearing the girl at the next table talk about what she'd bought in "Chelmpsford" (there's not supposed to be a p in it, bit like Bishops Cassell/Carsill) and to know the places she was talking about was so nice.

We went over to Baggeridge late last night with Biz and Juell and wandered about in the rain annoying all the rabbits who wanted to eat their dinner. It was really lovely and I was amazed once again at the fact that it was so close to where we live, just a 10 minute drive and you're there. It's not being able to do the 10 minute drive that gets to me I think. Didn't notice it so much last year because we were always going places with Mab or making plans for going places and the year before I was working every weekend and Phoenix was working all the time. But this year I missed green. There was a surreal moment in the car when Juell was listing all the lovely places that were nearby and I realised I didn't know where any of them were. So this summer we're going to try going on local adventures to places. That should help a bit and then the rest, we'll see.

Everything is changing, and some bits are so horrible they can't be thought about. But I will get through it. I have my family, my friends and my faith, and I will get through it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Todays Horoscope

Rest and recuperation should be at the top of your agenda today, KATE. You are definitely in need of some "downtime" after the absorbing activity of the past few days. Perhaps someone will phone with an offer to go on a leisurely boat ride, or a friendly match of tennis or handball. Better yet, why not take the phone off the hook and simply put your feet up. All work and no play equals dull!

Well I have been trying to rest after the events of the last few days.

I've been watching Wimbledon if that counts, and will be going for a drive with Juell and Bizkitt tonight.

The living room is all rearranged, I've done loads of washing and the library room is feeling all peaceful again after I rearranged that too. All that while I've been off work for two days under doctors orders to take things easy and rest.
I have been trying to rest, but doing things keeps my mind busy and I'm not tiring myself out.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Off to get hitched!

Right then, I'm off down South for a weks holiday. I get to see my sister again, hang out with my folks and apparently I'm getting married on Friday too!

Probably won't have internet access much while we're away, but I'll update when I can.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Cortez the Killer - Neil Young (again)

He came dancing across the water
With his galleons and guns
Looking for the new world
In that palace in the sun.

On the shore lay Montezuma
With his coca leaves and pearls
In his halls he often wondered
With the secrets of the worlds.

And his subjects gathered 'round him
Like the leaves around a tree
In their clothes of many colors
For the angry gods to see.

And the women all were beautiful
And the men stood straight and strong
They offered life in sacrifice
So that others could go on.

Hate was just a legend
And war was never known
The people worked together
And they lifted many stones.

They carried them to the flatlands
And they died along the way
But they built up with their bare hands
What we still can't do today.

And I know she's living there
And she loves me to this day
I still can't remember when
Or how I lost my way.

He came dancing across the water
Cortez, Cortez
What a killer.


I'm listening to music again you see, had a while where I didn't want to but I've got that vibe back.

Found this while trawling through some albums and remembered my ex from uni, Jon. He was a big music and movie guy, it's thanks to him I like the Stones and Springsteen as much as I do. He wasn't really keen on my music, but I can remember him learning to play the chords at the beginning. I can hear the guitar in my head right now.

Just remembered I actually dreamt about Jon last night, first time I've thought of him in a long while so it was strange. I'd bumped into him in Canterbury and just said hi, then we had a drink and a chat and parted ways again. Nice, but strange.

Good that my dreams are making more sense now, plus I'm sleeping too!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Falling From Above - Neil Young - Greendale

Grandpa said to cousin Jed
sittin' on the porch,
"I won't retire
but I might retread

Seems like that guy singin' this song
been doin' it for a long time
Is there anything he knows
that he ain't said?

Sing a song for freedom
sing a song for love
sing a song for depressed angels
falling from above"

Grandpa held the paper
pretendin' he could see
but he couldn't read without his glasses on

"How can all these people
afford so many things?
When i was young
people wore what they had on...and Mama said

'a little love and affection
in everything you do
will make the world a better place
with or without you'"

A little love and affection
in everything you do

Slammin' down a late night shot
the hero and the artist compared
goals and visions and afterthoughts
for the 21st century

But mostly came up with nothin'
so the truth was never learned
and the human race just kept rollin' on

Rollin' through the fighting
rollin' through the religious wars
rollin' down the temple walls
and the church's exposed sores

Rollin' through the fighting
the religious wars
mostly came up with nothin'

"Grandpa here's your glasses
you'll see much better now,"
said that young girl of Edith and Earl's
but Grandpa just kept starin'
he was lost in some distant thought
then he turned and said
to that young girl

"A little love and affection
in everything you do
will make the world a better place
with or without you"

With or without you
a better place
with or without you
with or without you

Hear that rooster crowin'
down on the double e
It's a new morning
dawning on the green

Bouncing off the towers
and the sun's heading down for the streets
the business meeting
window shades are drawn

Another morning edition
headed for the porch
because Grandma puts down the paper
before Grandpa raises his fork

A little love and affection
in everything you do
with or without you

Hear the rooster crowing
down on the double e

Greendale - Neil Young

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Emily's at it again

I got another middle-of-the-night text with her latest picture.

She's had this done at the base of her spine.

If you happen to watch the Canadian Grand Prix this afternoon, look out for an excited figure wearing pink! Yup, she's back in Montreal at the moment, then I think it's back west to Calgary and she'll be home on the 20th!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Productive day so far...

I've managed to do quite a lot today, despite promising Phoenix I would take it easy so that my sciatica wouldn't flare up (couldn't walk on Monday so had to phone in sick).

I actually got a lie in until 8, then came down to play on the computer and listen to the news. The phone went at about ten and it was Brentwood Registry Office checking that we'd sent our marriage registration documents to them (which I had just yesterday) and saved me phoning them to check that was the right thing to do.

This meant I remembered I had a doctors appointment (just an asthma check-up) so I checked when that was and then went to hang out the washing.

Since it's lovely lovely weather here today (blue blue blue sky that hurts your eyes to look at) I hung it in the garden then decided to let the cats out to play while I sat in the sun. But then I noticed the hedge needed trimmin (it's the only green thing in our back garden barring my herb pot) so I fetched the secateurs and trimmed that back.

Then it was off to the doctors (a 5 minute walk) and when I came back I went and sat in the garden in a very skimpy top (and when I checked no-one could see, no top at all) and read Thornyhold and videoed the kittens pouncing on leaves, woodlice, bees and stray bits of air that caught their attention.

Then I thought I'd come in as I was going a little pink (despite the suncream) and that made me think I'd better wash-up.

Washing-up means finding sparky music to listen too and I turned on Magic in time to hear Drops of Jupiter, one of my favourite songs in the world. I washed-up until Celine Dion came on, then ran in here to turn off the TV and put Damh the Bard and CSN&Y on instead.

I also decided that since it's still so sunny I'd wash a load of bedding (can't dry it in the house, no room!) to add to the big load I did this morning.

So I have been productive on my quiet day off and I'm proud of myself.

Now for a little bit of Neopets and then some cross-stitch I think.

(spell check wanted to replace Neopets with neophytes and Celine with clone!)

Books I have been reading

Mr Mark Farley, blogger and fellow bookseller asked me what I have been reading.

So here is what I have been reading in the last few weeks...

The Moon-Spinners , Airs Above The Ground and Wildfire At Midnight by Mary Stewart. The Moon-Spinners was the "new" book I was reading in the bath. It's not really new, but I'd just found a copy on a second-hand stall in Bridgnorth and I hadn't read it for years. This then started me reading through all my other Mary Stewart books, I plan to start Thornyhold, (my favourite Mary Stewart book), sometime this afternoon.


The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood and Girls in Pants by Ann Brashares. I love these books and bought the third one when I got paid. I just had to go back and read the other two and sink myself right into the world of Tibby, Lena, Carmen and Bee.


Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday and Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix. Again, I bought the new book when I got paid, and went back to re-read the other two first. I've mentioned his Old Kingdom books in previous posts on this blog, and he added the brilliant Creature In The Case as a World Book Day book this year.


I've also been on a Swallows and Amazons kick.
I bought Peter Duck and We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea when I got paid (notice a theme that occurs when payday comes round) as I'd gone through my bookshelves and realised I didn't own the complete set. I remembered afterwards that I'd had these two as library sale paperbacks and they just fell apart! I ended up with the first half of Peter Duck and the last half of WDMTGTS! I love those hardbacks so I bought them rather than the cheaper paperbacks.
I then re-read Swallows and Amazons, Swallowdale and Winter Holiday (which are old old paperbacks, but in good nick!)
I'm working on reviews of all the Arthur Ransome books for my website. They'll be here eventually.


I've also re-read all the Casson books by Hilary McKay.
Saffy's Angel,
Indigo's Star,
Permanent Rose and
Rose's Flying Feeling.
I have no idea why Amazon has catagorised them all as audio books, I've checked the ISBNs and they all tie in to my paperback/hardback editions, they're obviously having a glitch.


Other than that I've been reading all sorts of bits and pieces, most of which are books I've read so many times that they just wrap round me like an old comfy blanket.


Mr Mark Farley, Bookseller to the Stars, asked in one of the comments below what I'd been reading.

So I've written all about it in my book blog.

It's still a bit dusty in there but I did hoover!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Ok, maybe not that many!

I've always wanted a big family, at least 4 kids hopefully. Recently I've also decided that I might homeschool them, depending on what they want and local schools etc.

I saw a programme about these folks today, and got a little scared.

Ok first, I respect their right to bring their kids up how they choose, I'm just not sure that having that many kids (and giving them all J names), homeschooling them all and not really letting them mix with kids from other backgrounds is good. I just felt so sad when the 10 year old was saying that she looks forward to their new house cos it'll be easier for her to do the laundry.

I hope that no matter how many children I have, I can teach them to be open minded. I can teach them about all religions and let them make up their own minds. Most of all...I'm going to teach them to be children.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Todays horoscope

The astral energy at play is asking you to take a look at fear. You are certainly feeling a deep desire to advance in an area of your life, yet you feel held back by forces beyond your control. You could actually have a deeply embedded unconscious fear of being ridiculed for your efforts, which is causing you to hold yourself back. Remember that in order to succeed, you need to be ready to fall down again and again. The key is to pick yourself back up each and every time, and keep moving forward. If you are unwilling to fail in the short term, you will not succeed in the long term.

Very, very true. I've been hiding for a while now.

Friday, June 03, 2005

"We are on the brink of a new era, if only..."

(Beiderbecke quote, it just got stuck in my head!)

I don't think I've ever been quite so tired in my life. It's got to the point now where at 8pm I'm at that so tired you feel drunk stage! Last night it was still light when I went to bed and I've only managed to stay up this late today because I had a nap at work at lunchtime. I'm taking extra vitamins and iron and eating more veg and drinking more water and orange juice and I'm just getting tireder and tireder. Maybe I should just go back on the junk food diet. I want refined sugar!

I also keep waking up bang on 6am and then going back to sleep and having really vivid dreams.

They aren't dreams that make enough coherent sense for me to type them up, they tend to leave me with images and words rather than a story if you know what I mean. The last few mornings I've dreamt about cows, cooking, bootlaces, poppies, ballroom dancing, and sleeping on Glastonbury Tor (curled up with the kittens under lots of sheepskins).

This morning I had two rather more memorable dreams. The first one was about the Harry Potter midnight opening and trying to cope with the queue. We were selling the book (about two feet thick) in special baskets and it had no fixed price. I'd scan one book for someone and it would cost them £56 then the next customer bought three and only paid £3.60. I've been trying to sort things at work for this and it's obviously playing on my mind that we're not allowed to know the price til just before we get it (probably about 5 minutes before!).

The other dream was more of a memory as it's already happened. It was the day when Georgia was here and Mab took us all driving into Shropshire to eat chocolate biscuit cake and fish 'n' chips in Bishops Carsill/Cassell, to walk round the castle in Clun and then took us off over the mountains into Wales. I dreamed/remembered how lovely Georgias smile was, how I laid on the castle mound watching them climb up the other way, and how scared I was on the mountainside in Wales (not good with heights and crap night vision weren't a good combination then) and how I tried not to babble with terror too much. I dreamt/remembered the bits of the car ride home that I was awake for, rounding the side of the mountain and seeing what I can only describe as THE Harvest Moon, huge and gold in the sky. Watching the creatures appearing in the road in front of us getting larger and larger and waking up in time to sing at the traffic lights so they turned green and let us through.

I woke up feeling so so peaceful with the memory of that moon floating in my minds eye.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

BuBu BuBu BuBu Bu

(That's the noise I make at the kittens btw)

I am intending to blog all about the camping, but just haven't had time! Work all day then sleepy all evening again.

Roll on Saturday! Then I can watch last weeks stuff that I taped, snuggle with the kittens, do some cross-stitch, spend time with Phoenix and post more on here too!

I did do some website tatting the other day, I've added pages for the Swallows and Amazons books...but I haven't put any reviews on there yet. I'm working on it!

Bleh, sleepy again. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...