Sunday, May 02, 2004


...was fabulous!

I had a houseful of people by 8.15am, all excited about the day ahead, especially Magenta who had only found out at 11.40pm that there was room for her too!

We headed off packed into a boys car and a girls (plus Lauras son Brendan) car. The girls car made a quick detour to Waterstones to drop off that art book and then we hit the open road.

This involved lots of singing and cries of "That's where you can see the Tor if it's not this cloudy".

Lunch at the Blue Note was fantastic and we joined up with Juell, Aud and Robbie who'd all got there the night before for the Chalice Well ceremony that morning.

We all fragmented off and wandered into many different shops, getting fairy wishes (involving lots of glitter which ended up all over everyone, including those who make a wish), looking at books and pointy things.

We didn't have much cash so I managed to restrain myself to just a bag of lavender, although if I'd had an empty credit card it would have been filled!

Back to the Blue Note where people came and went from various expeditions and then we headed off up to the Tor.

Parking was a little dodgy as there were no spaces, and then the climb was horrible. I'm usually ok with heights but I had Jen in front who kept saying she was going to fall which made me horribly scared.

At the top we all calmed down and then Mab and Cabochon went off a little way to start their ceremony.

Apart from one prat who hoped "that they're walking widdershins and that's how you're supposed to do it right?" (we glared until he went away), everyone else was really nice and either kept their voices down or watched. It was so obvious that they were focused right inside the circle and the misty day just made the whole thing more fantastic.

They got a round of applause at the end and then we all had mead and watched Brendan running round the hill.

Down the gentle Pilgrims Path to the Chalice well and then the drivers went to get their cars while some of us waited at the bottom listening to the water.

Bottles were filled and then Robbie and Magenta went off home (Aud and Juell went before we went to the Tor as they were both so tired) while we went for dinner at a posh pizzeria.

Brendan nearly fell asleep in his food and darling Cabochon paid for the meal, he's soooo lovely!

Home again, with me attempting to talk to Mab but falling asleep mid conversation and then waking up and trying to continue....

Home just after 2am (to a flashing burglar alarm and a note saying it's been going off randomly recently, can we sort it) and straight to bed.

I got up about 10.30 (and came straight on here) and Phoenix is still asleep, and looking cute.

So I am no longer a Glastonbury Virgin, and managed not to bankrupt myself there either!

Now, where's that shop card I picked up for internet ordering.....

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