Sunday, June 13, 2004


Well everyone on WitchGrove seems to be talking about tarot at the moment, just as I finally bought myself a new set of cards.

I haven't used tarot cards for an awful long time, basically ever since I did that scarily accurate reading for Bubzi and got put right off them. (The reading was that she'd have a huge row with her mother that would lead to her leaving home. The row occurred because her mum wanted to know what the reading said, Bubzi moved out (only for three days but even so), and Barbara didn't speak to me for 6 months. You can see why it put me off!)

So I bought some cards that have been kinda calling me. Crayola showed me them at the moot a few months back, Cabochon had his set of them at Glastonbury, and Phoenix syas he recommended those to me when we first talked about why I felt blocked from tarot (in part because of the stereotypical imagery).

So I bought the Witchy Tarot set. I like the fact the cards seem happy and smiley and that I don't automatically think of "the right meanings" when I look at them (by this I mean all the book stuff popping into my head).

I've bought myself a rather gorgeous notebook where each card will have a page so I can write down what I feel about each of them. I admitt I did look inside the "little white book" *don't hurt me Mab* but only to see how the new suites correspond with the original ones.

I wish I didn't have work so that I could play with my cards, but I do and if I keep typing here then I shall be LATE!

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